Since the discovery of numerous precious and semi-precious stones near Kimmirut, there has been a boom in the creation of jewelry that makes use of these stones. In geological terms, the region around Kimmirut is unique, having much in common with far off places such as Afghanistan, Myanmar and Vietnam in terms of the diversity of mineral deposits to be found here. Most strikingly, Kimmirut is one of the very few places in the world with concentrations of the famous blue gemstone, lapis lazuli. Though the quality of the stone is low, they are rare and worth seeking out. Other stones found here include sapphires, apatite, spinel, tourmaline, and garnet. A gemstone workshop was held in the region in 2002, and since then local participants have blended jewelry making with local artistic traditions. Jewelry artists such as Mary (Mialia) Akavak, Terry Itulu and Seemeega Akqpik have produced some fine and individual work that makes use of these local treasures. With further exploration, this new industry can be expected to evolve in different and exciting directions.
The work of local jewelry artists can be found for sale at the Soper House Gallery.